Take some time and review the many new choices, programs and resources available to help keep you and your family healthy. See your guide for details.

In-Network Medical Services

Benefits Basic Managed Care Plan Managed Care Plan HCRA Plan
You Pay You Pay You Pay
Preventative Services $0 $0 $0
Office Visits
Primary Care Physician (PCP) Specialist
$30 PCP copay (after deductible)
$45 Specialist copay (after deductible)
$30 PCP copay
$40 Specialist copay
30% after deductible
Emergency $100 copay
(after deductible)
$100 copay 30% after deductible
Urgent Care Facility $45 copay
(after deductible)
$40 copay 30% after deductible
Deductible $2,500 single
$5,000 family
$1,250 single
$2,500 family
$2,000 single
$4,000 family
HCRA Fund N/A No $1,000 single
$2,000 family
Deductible after HCRA Fund N/A N/A $1,000 single
$2,000 family
Coinsurance 35% 35% 30%
Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum $6,000 single
$12,000 family
$4,750 single
$9,500 family
$4,600 single
$9,200 family
(after HCRA fund)

Note: Prescription drug coverage is included in the medical plan. Prescription drug expenses are not subject to the medical plan deductible

Out-of-Network Medical Services

Benefits Basic Managed Care Plan Managed Care Plan HCRA Plan
You Pay You Pay You Pay
Office Visits and Preventative Care
Deductible and Coinsurance Deductible and Coinsurance Deductible and Coinsurance
Emergency $100 copay
(after deductible)
$100 copay Deductible and Coinsurance
Deductible $7,000 single
$14,000 family
$3,000 single
$6,000 family
$6,000 single
$12,000 family
Coinsurance* 50% 50% 50%
Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum $12,000 single
$24,000 family
$10,000 single
$20,000 family
$10,000 single
$20,000 family

* The plan pays out-of-network benefits based on Medicare reimbursement levels (up to 110% of Medicare for professional services and 140% for facility charges). In addition to your coinsurance, you are responsible for amounts that exceed these levels.

Prescription Drugs: Managed Care Plan and HCRA Plan*

Type of Drug Definition Retail Pharmacy
ShopRite Pharmacies or
Spotswood Mail-Order
For a 30-day Supply For a 90-day Supply
Generic Drug with same active ingredients as brand name, with lower cost $15 $15
Preferred Brand** Drug marketed under a specific trademark or name by specific drug manufacturer and included on Aetna's drug list. $40 $40
Non Preferred Brand**
(No generic available)
Drug marketed under a specific trademark or name by specific drug manufacturer and NOT included on Aetna's drug list. $60 $60
Specialty Brand High-cost prescription medications used to treat complex, chronic conditions $60 Contact your local pharmacy for more information.

* The cost of prescriptions under the Basic Managed Care Plan uses coinsurance. You pay 30% of the cost for Generic and Preferred Brand and 50% of the Non-Preferred Brand (not subject to the medical plan deductible). 
** If you or your physician requests a brand-name medication when a generic is available, you will pay the applicable copay plus the difference between the cost of the generic and brand-name drug.

Dental Plans

Benefit In-Network
You Pay
You Pay
Deductible (Individual/Family)* $25/$75 (waived for preventive services) $25/$75 (waived for preventive services)
Annual Benefit Maximum $2,000 per person $2,000 per person
Orthodontia Lifetime Maximum $1,500 per person $1,000 per person
Type A — (cleanings, oral exams and other maintenance type procedures) 0% of PDP Fee** 0% of R&C Fee***
Type B — (fillings and other standard dental procedures) After deductible, 15% of PDP Fee** After deductible, 20% of R&C Fee***
Type C — (bridges, dentures and other complex procedures) After deductible, 35% of PDP Fee** After deductible, 40% of R&C Fee***
Type D — Orthodontia 50% of PDP Fee** 50% of R&C Fee***

* Applies only to type B & C services combined. 
** PDP Fee refers to the fees that participating PDP dentists have agreed to accept as payment in full, subject to any copayments, deductibles, cost sharing, and benefit maximums.
*** R&C Fee refers to the Reasonable and Customary (R&C) charge, which is based on the lowest of (1) the dentist’s actual charge, (2) the dentist’s usual charge for the same or similar services, or (3) the charge of most dentists in the same geographic area for the same or similar services as determined by MetLife.

Vision Plans

Benefit EyeMed Option 1
In-Network Member Cost
EyeMed Option 1
Out-of-Network Member Cost
EyeMed Option 2
In-Network Member Cost
EyeMed Option 2
Out-of-Network Member Cost
Exam (one every 12 months) $10 copay Up to $35 No copay Up to $28
Frames (one every 24 months) No copay; $120 allowance + 20% off balance over $120 Up to $48 No copay; $180 allowance + 20% off balance over $180 $90
Lenses (one every 12 months) Single Vision: $25 copay
Bifocal: $25 copay
Trifocal: $25 copay
Single Vision: Up to $25
Bifocal: Up to $40
Trifocal: Up to $60
No copay Single Vision: Up to $25
Bifocal: Up to $39
Trifocal: Up to $63
Contact Lenses (one order every 12 months) Conventional: No copay; $135 allowance + 15% balance over $135
Disposable: No copay; $135 allowance
Medically Necessary: No copay; Paid in Full
Conventional: Up to $95 
Disposable: Up to $95
Medically Necessary: Up to $200
Conventional: No copay; $180 allowance + 15% balance over $180
Disposable: No copay; $180 allowance
Medically Necessary: No copay; Paid in Full
Conventional: Up to $144
Disposable: Up to $144
Medically Necessary: Up to $200